Generative AI

Trustworthy AI: How Generative AI Companies Break Into Enterprise Procurement with Jasper

December 20, 2023

With such hype about Generative AI, how do you stand out? In the U.S., in 2023, more than 1 in 4 dollars of startup investment went to an AI company. Enterprise companies face a conflicting mandate to hashtag#adopt generative AI quickly — yet hashtag#safely. The litany of options for AI tools only compounds this challenge. At Credo AI, we listened to our enterprise customers and built hashtag#AITrustReports to help generative AI startups send a clear signal their technology prioritizes hashtag#responsibleAI and hashtag#governance. 📃 An AI Trust Report sets the groundwork for enterprise procurement and establishes trust at both ends. This webinar will explore the hype around generative AI, its overarching impact, and why trust is a key competitive differentiator. Watch this webinar to learn:
✅ How AI Trust is a competitive advantage.
✅ An overview of the enterprise AI procurement cycle — and how to break in.
✅ Where AI regulation is at — and where it's headed! Watch now!

Eli Sherman, Ph.D
Data Scientist
Meghan Keaney Anderson
Head of Marketing at Jasper
Eli Sherman, Ph.D
Data Scientist
Meghan Keaney Anderson
Head of Marketing at Jasper

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