AI governance for
the AI-powered enterprise

Credo AI is an AI governance platform that helps companies adopt, scale, and govern AI safely and effectively.

A centralized repository of AI metadata

Get a comprehensive view of your AI systems and ML models.

business stakeholder

AI Registry:
Gain Visibility to the Risk & Value of all your AI

Register AI initiatives and capture metadata to prioritize your AI projects by revenue potential, impact, and risk.

Compliance Stakeholder

AI Governance Workspace:
Collaborate on Each AI Use Case

Assign and track controls and mitigation actions, store evidence securely, and generate reports for AI use cases with ease.

Govern through policy

Effectively apply governance to your AI systems to unlock their full potential for ROI and ensure regulatory compliance.

Compliance Stakeholder

Policy Intelligence:
Standardize Your Organization's AI Governance Requirements

Policy Packs provide modular technical, process, and documentation requirements for AI systems. In our Policy Center, choose from ready-to-use packs for laws, regulations, and standards, or create your own aligned with your business goals.

business/technical stakeholder

Generative AI Guardrails:
Safeguard your genAI adoption

Safeguard and streamline the adoption of generative AI tools like ChatGPT and other Large Language Models (LLMs) with out-of-the-box controls to mitigate the risks of generative AI across your organization.

Assess for impact

Send and receive evidence seamlessly to assess your first-party or third-party systems and ensure they can make informed decisions.

technical Stakeholder

Technical Integrations:
Implement Policy-to-Code Governance

Send evidence to the Credo AI Platform from your existing MLOps tools or any technical assessment library to meet governance requirements for performance, bias, robustness, explainability, etc

technical Stakeholder

Vendor Portal:
Evaluate Third-Party AI Risk

Apply Policy Packs to your third-party AI tools and collect evidence from your vendors to evaluate third-party AI risk and compliance


Generate comprehensive reports on the performance and compliance of your AI systems

business Stakeholder

Risk Center:
An Operational Risk View of your AI

Visualize AI risk and value across all of your teams and business units, so you can identify critical areas to prioritize governance.

business/compliance stakeholder

Automated Governance Reports:
Build trust with key stakeholders

Generate model cards, impact assessments, reports, and dashboards for executives, board members, customers, and regulators.

Deployment options

Fully air-gapped or connected to the Internet—we support both.

Public cloud

Provides a fast, scalable, and cost-effective solution accessible via the Internet.

Private cloud

Offering greater control and customization, is hosted on a private cloud infrastructure.


For when metadata must remain within the customer's data center, utilizing the company's hardware infrastructure

Natively integrate with your AI systems for a single pane of governance

The Credo AI platform meets your AI teams where they are.

  • Bring in your AI Use Cases for inventory
  • Integrate with your model store to auto-detect AI that needs governance, and reduce burden on technical teams
  • Keep compliance and security teams up-to-date with realtime governance artifacts and changes in your data

Adopt AI with confidence today.

The Responsible AI Governance Platform enables AI, data, or business teams to track, prioritize, and control AI projects to ensure AI remains profitable, compliant, and safe.