Generative AI

Building the Guardrails of Generative AI

May 25, 2023

Join Credo AI as we walk through the market research, product development, and our general ruminations about generative AI as we built our new feature, GenAI Guardrails.


Over the first part of 2023, Credo AI undertook extensive research to understand how AI governance leads, data scientists, and business leaders were adopting and thinking about generative AI. The results were a mix of excitement and panic. AI leaders want to ride the generative AI wave, yet not be crushed underneath it. There is a sense of inevitability about generative AI adoption.

This is similar to the trend in its proliferation, where every major tech company raced to develop a large language model (LLM), despite most tech luminaries warning about the unknown dangers of this technology.

At this breakneck pace, regulation might come too late to protect companies and consumers. Yet, tech companies feel they can’t afford to slow down and miss this opportunity. That is why it’s up to individual companies, using third-party software, to implement generative AI guardrails in order to protect their brands, their operations, and their customers from the many risks of generative AI.

Join us in this webinar to learn:

✅ The major risks of generative AI to your brand, operations, customers, as well as regulatory concerns.

✅ How policies can future-proof your organization against GenAI risks.

✅ Everything we’ve learned in our journey to understanding and shielding against the risks of generative AI.

Susannah Shattuck
Head of Product
Eli Sherman, Ph.D
Data Scientist
Yomna Elsayed, Ph.D
Head of Research
User Experience researcher and life-long learner motivated to solve challenging and difficult questions around issues of technology and society.
Susannah Shattuck
Head of Product
Eli Sherman, Ph.D
Data Scientist
Yomna Elsayed, Ph.D
Head of Research
User Experience researcher and life-long learner motivated to solve challenging and difficult questions around issues of technology and society.

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How NIST Pioneered GenAI Controls—and How to Operationalize Them

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